We are committed to the development of positive,
hard-working and goal-oriented young adults.


The DeKalb Barb Boosters supports the athletic programs at DeKalb High School, Huntley Middle School and Clinton Rosette Middle School.

We have an annual fund raising goal of over $60,000 that is supported through various activities throughout the year. These funds help purchase uniforms, host sports banquets, build storage facilities, sponsor senior sports night and more!


Booster Board (2024-2025)

Laura Powell

Vice President
Jimmy Zucker

Interim Treasurer
Jimmy Zucker

Colleen Stewart

Current Members

Lifetime membership

  • Christina Adams

  • Tekolia Bates

  • Zach & Melissa Beck

  • Marcy Bruhn

  • Jennifer Butts

  • Michelle & David Clayton

  • Matt Duffy

  • Darryl & Maureen Dunham

  • TJ & Amy Fontana

  • Tom Foster

  • Megan Gerken

  • John & Moe Gillott

  • Maria Graham

  • Wendy Hamilton

  • RaMon Holland

  • Sara Kaelin

  • Mary Katalak

  • Lisa & Justin Kees

  • Brian & Linda Kocjan

  • Stacey Kubitz

  • John & Lou Longeville

  • Maria Lombardo

  • Ashley Lupton

  • Linda Luxen

  • Jessica Martinez

  • Crystal Meeks

  • Margaret & Jeff Myles

  • Billie & Guy Robinson

  • Beth Rosenow

  • Ted Rosenow

  • Amy & Justin Russell

  • Erica Schermerhorn

  • John & Shannon Schmittle

  • Carolyn Smrz

  • Ronnie Sneed

  • Ursula & John Sullivan

  • Alicia Tobin

  • Leanne Marie VandeCreek

  • Chelsey Wantland

  • Matt & Arija Weber

  • Kasey Zeimet

  • Kelly & Dwayne Zimmerman

  • Rachelle Barclay

  • Troy Barclay

  • Jamie & George Colbert

  • Tim Draper & Bess Kershisnik

  • Brandy & Robert Pfeifer



Dekalb Barb Boosters Club Bylaws

Location: DeKalb, Illinois

EIN: 36-3267205

Adopted January 21, 2004 – Revised September 25, 2013, August 12, 2015, March 20, 2016, May 3, 2019, October 29, 2024

Article I – Description

Section 1 – Name

The name of this organization shall be the DeKalb Barb Boosters Club. (Hereafter referred to as the “Club”).

Section 2 – Purpose

The Club is organized and operated exclusively for charitable purposes to benefit student-athletes in DeKalb School District #428 within the meanings of Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code. In so doing, the objectives of The Club shall be:

  1. Provide financial support for the interscholastic athletic activities at the high school and junior high school levels of the DeKalb Community School District.
  2. Provide and encourage physical fitness, education, development and safety of high school and junior high school athletics in the DeKalb School District.
  3. Promote enthusiasm and support for high school and junior high school teams/students, participation in interscholastic competitions among students, staff, parents, and in the community.

Article II – Membership

Membership shall be open to any and all persons interested in supporting the purpose of The Club and who have paid annual dues as established by the Board of Directors (also referred to as the Board). Dues are assessed on a fiscal year basis. The fiscal year shall be concurrent with The Club’s membership year. Any change in membership dues shall be set no later than May 31st of each year. Any member who has paid dues is considered to be in good standing and is encouraged to attend meetings on a regular basis. Guests are always welcome. Only members in good standing are allowed to vote.

Article III – Structure

Section 1 – Board of Directors

The Club shall be managed by a Board of Directors not to exceed 30 Directors. 

  1. Directors will be nominated by the March Executive Committee meeting and elected at the April Board meeting except for the following:
  2. DeKalb High School representative, either the DHS Principal or Athletic Director.

Section 2 – General Duties of The Board Of Directors

  1. Attend monthly Board and other meetings of The Club which shall be in August, September, October, November, January, February, March, April, and May.
  2. Transact necessary business in the intervals between Club meetings, and other such business as necessary.
  3. Approve expenditures within the limits of the budget.
  4. Approve and support plans and work of the standing committees.
  5. Chair/serve on a standing committee as agreed upon by the Board of Directors.

Section 3 – The Officers

The officers of The Club, who are elected from the Board of Directors, shall consist of the following: President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary.

Duties of the officers shall include the following:


  1. Prepare an agenda for scheduled meetings.
  2. Preside over Board of Director meetings.
  3. Represent The Club at public, school, and Club functions.
  4. Be the principal officer of The Club and guide its functions
  5. Serve as the liaison between The Club, senior high and junior high schools, the School Board, the Athletic Director and community organizations.
  6. Checks must be approved by the President or the Treasurer as directed by the President.


  1. Assist the President and act for him/her in his absence or by his/her direction.
  2. Perform such duties as the President may direct.
  3. Chair the Governance Committee.


  1. Act as custodian of the records of The Club, except for the accounts of the Treasurer.
  2. Conduct the official correspondence of The Club and maintain a file for all such correspondence.
  3. Keep records of all meetings of The Club and/or the Board of Directors and perform such other duties as the President may direct, including written notice of meetings.
  4. In the absence of the Secretary, the President shall designate a member of the Board of Directors to take the minutes of the meeting.
  5. Distribute prior Board meeting minutes no later than one week prior to the next scheduled Board meeting.


  1. Act as custodian of all funds.
  2. Keep books and accounts of receipts according to the procedures established by the Board of Directors, and expenditures of funds and render financial statements at each meeting.
  3. Oversees all money deposited in accounts in the name of The Club.
  4. All checks must be signed by the Treasurer or the President, or person approved by the treasurer.
  5. All unbudgeted expenditures in excess of $200 must have prior Board of Directors approval or prior approval of three–fourths of the Executive Committee.
  6. Chair Finance Committee to establish an annual budget to be approved by the Board of Directors at the April Board meeting.

Section 4 – Term of Office

The term of office for all Board of Directors shall be one year, but not limited to, beginning in June.

Section 5 – Vacancies

In the event of a vacancy of the President, the Vice–President shall serve the remainder of the term as acting President. In the event of a vacancy of the Treasurer, the duties of the Treasurer shall be assumed by the President or an appointee until a new appointment is approved by the Board of Directors. Vacancies occurring in the Board of Directors may be appointed by the officers and approved by the Board of Directors at the next regular quarterly meeting or a special meeting may be called for the purpose of electing that Director(s).

Section 6 – Resignation

A Director of the Board may resign by written notice to The Club. The resignation is effective upon receipt by The Club or a subsequent time as set forth in the notice of resignation.

Section 7 – Executive Committee

The four officers of The Club shall serve as an Executive Committee of The Club, meeting monthly from August through May, conducting Club business, and reporting regularly to the Board of Directors.

Article IV – Elections

Section 1 – Nominations

In March, nominations will be taken for the Board of Directors, by the Governance Committee of the general membership, which will take place by written and/or electronic communications. Nominations will then be slated by the Executive Committee for voting at the April Board meeting.

Qualifications of nominees:

  1. Current Directors of the Board must have attended at least fifty percent of regularly scheduled Board of Directors meetings within their term of office to be eligible for re-nomination.
  2. Must be a general member for The Club in good standing.

Section 2 – Board Elections

The election of the Board of Directors will be held at the April Board meeting.

Section 3 – Election Of Officers

The President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary will be elected in April from the newly elected Board of Directors.

Section 4 – Term

Those Directors and Officers elected will serve a one–year term that will begin in June.

Section 5 – Voting

Members must be present at the election meeting to vote for the Board of Directors.

Article V – Meetings

Section 1 – Election Meeting

The April quarterly Board meeting will be designated as the Election Meeting. Written notice of the meeting shall be given to the general membership.

Section 2 – Budget and Planning Meeting

The March Executive Committee meeting will be designated as the Budget and Planning Meeting when a proposed budget will be prepared for approval at the April Board meeting.

Section 3 – Executive Committee and Board Meetings

The Executive Committee comprised of the four officers shall meet monthly to conduct Club business, oversee financial operations, and prepare agenda and reports for the quarterly Board meetings. Committee chairs may be expected to provide formal reports of activities to the Executive Committee for such meetings. 

Monthly Board meetings will be held on the third Monday of each month of the school year except December unless otherwise scheduled by the Executive Committee or Board of Directors. Notice of the time, date, and place of the regular meetings shall be posted one week prior to the meeting.

Emergency meetings may be called at the discretion of the Executive Committee or Board of Directors. Notice of the time, date and place will be given to the Board of Directors one week's notice prior to the meeting.

Section 4 – Voting

Only the Directors of the Board have voting privileges. Passage of a motion requires a majority vote. The presiding officer of Board meetings votes only in case of a tie vote of the Board of Directors.

Section 5 – Conduct of Meetings

All meetings will be conducted in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order.

Section 6 – Quorum

Forty percent of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business of any meeting of the Board of Directors.

Article VI – Standing Committees

All Directors of the Board will be expected to chair/serve on at least one committee unless the Director serves as an officer of The Club. The standing committees shall be established by the Board of Directors. The President will serve ex officio for all standing committees.

Section 1 – Finance Committee

This committee consists of a chair (The Club Treasurer) and the required number of co-chairs and/or committee members to conduct Club activities in merchandise, 50/50 raffle, Drive 4 Ur School, Uniforms/Equipment, Audits, and/or other financial affairs not related to concessions.

Section 2 – Concessions Committee

This committee consists of a chair and the required number of co-chairs and/or committee members to operate concessions for athletic events, manage concessions inventory, and help maintain concessions facilities. If possible, there should be separate co-chairs to oversee fall, winter, and spring concessions respectively.

Section 3 – Marketing and Communications Committee

This committee consists of a chair (The Club President) and the required number of co-chairs and/or committee members to oversee Club operations in publicity, advertising, marketing, membership, social media, website, newsletter, and/or other endeavors.

Section 4 – Special Events Committee

This committee consists of a chair (Executive Board Member) and the required number of co-chairs and/or committee members to administer Club events such as FNBO Challenge, Barb Booster Golf Outing, Barbs Bingo, etc.

Section 5 – Governance Committee

This committee consists of a chair (The Club Vice President) and the required number of co-chairs and/or committee members to administer Club business in regards to nominations, elections, meeting arrangements, Bylaws and parliamentary procedure, relations with DeKalb Community Unit School District 428, etc.

Article VII – Fiscal Year

The fiscal year for The Club shall begin July 1 of each year.

Article VII – Amendments

The Club shall be administered and regulated by these bylaws. These bylaws may be amended, repealed, or rewritten and approved by the Board of Directors at any quarterly meeting by a vote of two–thirds of the Directors present. Copies of all proposed changes to the bylaws shall be made available to the officers and Directors at least fifteen calendar days prior to being voted upon.

The Governance Committee shall review these bylaws every two years or as deemed necessary by the Executive Committee. 

Article IX – Dissolution

Upon dissolution or liquidation of the corporation, the remaining assets, after paying or making provisions for the payment of all of the liabilities of the corporation (except any assets held upon condition requiring return, transfer or other conveyance in the event of dissolution, which assets shall be returned, transferred or conveyed in accordance with such requirements), shall be conveyed to the DeKalb High School Athletic Department or another qualified tax-exempt organization or organizations organized and operated exclusively for charitable, educational, or literary purposes described in Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (or corresponding provision of any further United States internal revenue law), as the Board of Directors shall determine. Any assets not so disposed of shall be disposed of by the court of the general jurisdiction of the county in which the principal office of the corporation is then located, exclusively for the purposes of the corporation in such manner, or to such tax-exempt organization or organizations described in Section 501(c) (3) of the Code, as said court shall determine.

Appendix A

Club Finances

Club financial operations and administration shall be primarily focused on meeting the purpose outlined in Article One Section Two. Therefore, the following guidelines shall direct Club financial affairs:

  1. The Treasurer shall be the Chief Financial Officer for The Club and will coordinate with other Officers, Board members, and committee chairs to dispense, collect, and otherwise control Club finances
  2. The Finance Committee is responsible for scheduling and overseeing an annual audit of Club finances by either an internal body (not to include The Club President nor Treasurer) or external agency to be approved by the Board
  3. It is the responsibility of the Treasurer to file and pay all quarterly and yearly federal, state, and local taxes and to report compliance to the Board
  4. It is the responsibility of the President to ensure all permit, licenses, registrations, and legal protocol are valid and current. The use of an external agent to oversee such processes must be approved by the Board
  5. In consultation with the Executive Committee, the Finance Committee shall prepare an annual budget of expected income and expenditures to be approved by the Board at its April meeting.
    1. The annual budget must not project a negative balance
    2. Team endowments must not exceed 50% of the annual budget, nor may actual team endowment exceed 10% of annually budgeted amount for that item, and such an overage shall require a two–thirds majority vote by the Board
    3. The minimum fund balance of no less than 50% of the actual expense. 
    4. Club administrative costs must not exceed 10% of the annual budget
  6. Team endowments shall be administered in the following matter:
    1. Items allowed for team endowments are restricted to the following in order of descending priority: practice equipment and gear, competitive equipment, and warmups
    2. Funds for team endowments shall not exceed 50% of the previous year expense line.
    3. Requests for team endowments must will be presented to the appropriate Athletic Director/Administrator and then presented to the Booster members for The Club Executive Committee no later than two weeks (14 days) preceding the Board meetings voting on endowments and must include:
      1. Description of the needed item, its applicability, cost, longevity, maintenance, and inventory control
      2. A minimum of one formal quote from vendor, including costs of taxes and delivery
      3. A statement of team fundraising and use of such revenue over the past three competitive seasons, including, if feasible, a statement of the ability of the team to cover partial costs of the requested items.
      4. In rare cases, teams may request endowments as early as two months prior to their scheduled meeting to make such requests. These special requests must be approved by at least a two–thirds majority of Board members, and a team may not make more than one special request in a five–year period.